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Coach Stephon Leary has been a successful High School Coach, NCAA Division 1 and 2 Head Coach, as well as an NBA Agent/Trainer. The likes of Coach Leary as well as our other experienced coaches who specialize in player development and skill building; the Shooting Stars organization is able to offer cutting edge and top-of-the-line training and guidance.


Through Coach Leary and Shooting Stars, athletes have shown remarkable improvements in a shorter amount of time. The concepts used help make effective changes for better results in the athlete’s performance. Through the training, countless athletes have developed into collegiate level athletes; even professionals. Shooting Stars also has a very high success rate in helping athletes make their school teams and perform well in their season.

All training concepts are comprised of improving athleticism, skill building, and IQ enhancement. These are fundamental aspects that must be worked on relentlessly. A tireless mindset towards these during training will be beneficial to each athlete’s growth and improvement. Training offered typically entails is the “5-in-1 Concept” which is an innovative way to accomplish five critical facets and skills in one session: speed/agility/explosiveness, shooting, ballhandling, finishing, and decision making.

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Just a few featured players over the last few years that have worked with us consistently are:

Andrew Lasker (Pro: Newcastle Eagles)

Atif Russell (Pro in England)

Ryan McClurg (Texas)

Jamal Bienemy (Oklahoma)

Jonathan Mulmore (Georgetown) 

Doc Nelson (Weber State) 

Kristian Sjolund (Georgia Tech)

Nygal Russell (SEMO)

Jay Jay Chandler (Texas A&M)

Jacobi Gordon (California)

Mikel Beyers (Marshall)

and many more!

2 THessalonians 3:10
"For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat."
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Proverbs 13:4
"The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied."
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